Whatever your method the goal is the same. You can do this with a parachute or by having your egg fall alongside a sheet. You can do this by putting pillows down for your egg to land on. Much of the lessons we learn from this experiment are ones that are tested in automobiles as engineers work to keep us safe by designing cars in such a way that they protect us if we ever are in an accident. The point of the Egg Drop experiment is to protect an egg to such a degree that you can hurl it at the ground or a wall (outside) and your egg will still be intact and unbroken after it’s impact. Look in your fridge and the rubbish bin, add some tape and you’ve got this! Time-Tested Activities for Middle School National Science Teachers Association Inez Fugate Liftig. Easy to do, cool results and you have all the items on hand! Promise. It is such a classic physics science fair project.
100s of Fun Science Activities for Kids.